Dr. John Hartig presents “Bringing Conservation to Cities” which is the story of how innovative public-private partnerships are making nature part of everyday urban life in the automobile capitals of the U.S. and Canada in an effort to inspire and develop the next generation of conservationists in urban areas because that is now where 80% of U.S. and Canadian citizens live. Insights on: the history of the refuge; habitat restoration efforts using innovative partnerships; trans-boundary conservation; reconnecting people to the river through compelling citizen science and outdoor recreation; and practical lessons learned are discussed.
Event Provider:
MI Botanical Club – Huron Valley Chapter
Event Address:
Matthaei Botanical Garden
Event Date (EST):
Monday, April 16, 2018 – 7:30pm to 9:00pm
Event Topic:
Event Format:
Event Setting:
Event Cost:
Sign-up required?:
Event Contact Name:
Ron Gamble
Event Contact Email: