We can use your help

Tax deductible contributions to the Green Ribbon Initiative will be used to support education and stewardship work in the Oak Openings Region.

To donate to the Oak Openings Habitat Protection and Restoration Fund, click here.

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Invasive Plants Threatening the Oak Openings Region

SATURDAY August 18, 2018 9:00 AM

National Center for Nature Photography 10001 Central Ave, Holland, OH 43528, USA

The Oak Openings region has seen its share of invasive species, and battling these invaders is an ongoing struggle. The rate at which they are spreading is also alarming, as they are not only a threat to under story plants, but to our native trees as well. Join Metroparks Natural Resources Supervisor LaRae Sprow as we search for and identify a variety of invasive plants such as Oriental Bittersweet that threaten the region and what the Metroparks and Green Ribbon Initiative partners are doing to control them. This trip will also be an opportunity for those who were able to come to our August program to apply their new knowledge in the field.

The field trip will explore the new Mosely Trail from Secor to Wiregrass Lake. Meet at the nature center at Secor Metropark at 9 a.m. Please note that the address above only gets you in the vicinity of the building: please follow signs for the Nature Photography Center once you enter the park. From there, we will carpool to Wiregrass. Then we will need to transport the original carpool drivers back to Wiregrass at the end of the walk. The walk is about 2 miles, and the program will conclude around noon.

url: http://www.toledonaturalist.org/?event=invasive-species-of-oak-openings&event_date=2018-08-18

Secor Metropark