We can use your help

Tax deductible contributions to the Green Ribbon Initiative will be used to support education and stewardship work in the Oak Openings Region.

To donate to the Oak Openings Habitat Protection and Restoration Fund, click here.

To donate to the Oak Openings Carbon Offset Fund, click here.

To make a general donation to the Green Ribbon Initiative, click on the donate button below. These funds will go to:


Donate via PayPal

Labor Day Weekend Plant Sale!

Location: 6616 Wells Rd., Petersburg, MI 49270

If you missed the Plant Crawl Plant Sale no worries! The Wild Lupine will be having a Labor Day Weekend Plant Sale Saturday, September 2 from 10:00am – 2:00pm. There will be more plants that were not ready at the last sale that will be by this one. While fall does not officially start until September 23, fall is a great time to plant as the cooler temperatures means less watering while the plants are getting established and the plants start focusing on their roots in preparation for winter. Hope to see you at the sale!

More info: https://fb.me/e/3JWZM9sfr