We can use your help

Tax deductible contributions to the Green Ribbon Initiative will be used to support education and stewardship work in the Oak Openings Region.

To donate to the Oak Openings Habitat Protection and Restoration Fund, click here.

To donate to the Oak Openings Carbon Offset Fund, click here.

To make a general donation to the Green Ribbon Initiative, click on the donate button below. These funds will go to:


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November 27- Chickadee Chowdown with Huron-Clinton Metroparks

Program offered by Huron- Clinton Metroparks

Location: Kensington Metropark Nature Center – Map Me

Time: 1:00 PM

Chickadee Chowdown

Enjoy a magical winter encounter with black-capped chickadees, and other songbirds, as they eat sunflower seeds right from your hand! A Nature Interpreter will guide you on a short walk along the nature trails where you can experience the majesty of songbirds – up close. Bird seed will be provided. All ages are welcome. Please preregister by calling the Nature Center at (810) 227-8917.

A Metroparks vehicle entry permit is required to enter any Metropark and is only $35 annually for regular admission, $21 annually for seniors or $10 daily.

Cost: $5 per adult, $3 per child
