Where plant lovers, gardeners (new and experienced) and urban farmers come to trade plants, tools, supplies and advice – all for FREE!
Drop off plants to share and exchange with others beginning at 8:30 am. Enjoy Information Booths from local organizations like Food for Thought, Advocates for Clean Lake Erie, The Rain Garden Initiative, Tree Toledo, Brix Gardening for Maximum Nutrition, Lucas County Soil and Water, Phoenix Food Co-op, Maumee Valley Bee Keepers Association, Rain Garden Initiative, Black Swamp Hosta and Daylily Society, EndHunger.org, Wild Ones, Maumee Valley Herb Society, and talk with OSU Extention’s Master Gardeners from 9-9:50 am. Plant distribution begins at 10 am. Bring labeled plants and gently used gardening items. Bring more, get more. Rain or shine, we’re under cover in Main Library’s parking garage!
Read more at: http://events.toledolibrary.org/event/701387