We can use your help

Tax deductible contributions to the Green Ribbon Initiative will be used to support education and stewardship work in the Oak Openings Region.

To donate to the Oak Openings Habitat Protection and Restoration Fund, click here.

To donate to the Oak Openings Carbon Offset Fund, click here.

To make a general donation to the Green Ribbon Initiative, click on the donate button below. These funds will go to:


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What Fish is This?

We have a diverse array of fish living in our Maumee River. Join us for this family program (Ages 5 and up) at Farnsworth Metropark where we’ll learn how to identify common fish in our area, learn about each fish’s ecology (food, reproduction, predators, interesting facts about them). Then, we’ll wade in the river to try to catch some fish and other critters that live in the mighty Maumee!

Click for Registration Information Details Activity Description Dates Times Meet Days Locations Ages Price Documents
Add To Cart Item Details 204404632-01 What Fish is This? 06/24/2019 -06/24/2019 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm M Farnsworth Roche De Bout Area Ages 5 and Up $3.00
