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The Green Ribbon Initiative recently announced dates for free educational workshops geared toward landowners in the Oak Openings Region. The workshops are organized by Oak Openings Region Conservancy (OORC) and supported by members of GRI, including The Nature Conservancy (TNC).
For the first workshop, taking place on February 11th, 2023, OORC will lead a hike at TNC’s Kitty Todd Nature Preserve and help participants identify native trees and non-native species on the property.
This Winter Tree ID workshop will help Oak Openings landowners better identify trees and shrubs on their properties, knowledge which will enable them to support thriving native plant communities in their backyards, which boast some of the rarest native plant species worldwide. The workshop is open to all Landowner Registry Members and those interested in developing their Oak Openings plant identification skills. The benefits of attending are multifaceted, including the ability to request a free, personalized site visit from a GRI member to guide identification of native and non-native species, proffered guidance to create a simple management plan with tips tailored to the landowners’ goals and interests, and the opportunity to network with other landowners.