Mesic Sand Tallgrass Prairie
This is one of the rarest communities in the Oak Openings Region. It was the most common wetland community in the region, but because of development and fire suppression it is now reduced to small fragmented patches. Mesic prairie is seasonally flooded, holding water from late winter to mid-spring. This plant community occurs on sand flats between the dunes. Vegetation composition varies within the community due to slight changes in the soil pH and moisture. Trees are scares but shrubs can be frequent. Shrubs include prairie willow Salix humilus, meadow-sweet Spiraea alba, steeplebush Spriaea tomentosa, dogwoods Cornus spp., and chokeberry Aronia melanocarpa. Common grasses include big bluestem Andgropogon gerardii, little bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium, and Indian grass Sorghastrum nutans. Forbs include dense blazing star(marsh blazing-star) Liatris spicata, colic-root Aletris farinosa, tall coreopsis Coreopsis tripteris, grass-pink Calopogon tuberosa, showy tick-trefoil Desmodium canadense, yellow wild indigo Baptisia tinctoria, Canada goldenrod Solidago canadensis, showy goldenrod Solidago speciosa, and soapwort gentian Gentiana saponaria.